Directed by : Hanna SKÖLD

  • Year of production : 2021
  • Country : Sweden
  • Length : 100 minutes


The story is about a group of employees in a low-priced supermarket. When Eleni – who’s the single mother of a small child – gets promoted to manager of the supermarket, she has to prove she’s capable. She is pushing the workers to the very limit of their abilities, forcing them to work without breaks, all while decreasing their work hours. She’s determined to improve the results of the supermarket no matter what, and she will achieve this with the help of her best employee and friend – Shukri. But when Shukri discovers she is pregnant she’s afraid to let Eleni know, and she starts to hide her growing belly in order not to get fired. Meanwhile two homeless women are building a camp behind the store. They collect the wasted food from the store which causes conflicts but also creates relationships between the employees and the homeless people. The Store is a satire-drama built of puppet animation and live action.


When I was sixteen I escaped a violent home and became homeless for two years. When I was twenty-four I became middle manager of a low-priced supermarket, and during that time I had a huge need to prove that I was capable. Looking back at those years, I can see that I in many ways became a tool of structural violence. Because of my past experiences, I have a strong desire to understand the mechanisms behind different types of violence. Over and over again I hear people say they have no choice while pushing themselves and others into the wall, and in order to get out of the treadmill and create a society more sustainable towards nature and humans we have to believe that we do have a choice. I’m interested in what that choice could look like.


Hanna SKÖLD - Director


Language film : Swedish
Working budget: 1,9M €
Financing acquired: 1,25M €



Kvibergsnäs allé 24 415 06 GOTHENBURG SWEDEN - 46 706 428 664 - www.tangramfilm.se

Lovisa CHARLIER - [email protected]

L'Atelier 2020