The Atelier - 07.07.2020 - 14:38

MALMKROG, directed by Cristi Puiu

Malmkrog, directed by Cristi Puiu
Malmkrog, directed by Cristi Puiu

Cristi Puiu (L’Atelier 2006) releases his new film “MALMKROG”, best director prize (Encounters Section) at the 70th Berlin International Film Festival.

Nikolai, a large landowner, a man of the world, places his country estate at the disposal of some friends, by organising a sojourn at the spacious manor house. For the guests, among which we find a politician and a Russian General, time passes at the manor house with rich meals, society games and by engaging in a long discussion about death and the Antichrist, progress, and morality.


As the discussion gradually takes shape and the various topics are broached, each of them lays out his vision of the world, history, and religion. The hours pass, the discussion becomes more heated, the topics become more and more serious, and differences of culture and viewpoints grow increasingly apparent.


In theatres on July 8th. With Frédéric Schulz-Richard, Agathe Bosch, Marina Palii, Ugo Broussot, Diana Sakalauskaité and István Téglás.

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